For those of you who have missed me, I am sending a huge thankyou and my appologies. Currently, I am with out an internet connection, so my online time has been severly limited. Hopefuly, that will be remedied soon. I love you all and am so greatful for your love and prayers.
Just because I cannot resist saying something thought worthy, I am going to add a little blurb. Hope is more than a bland desire for something good to happen. Hope is a sense of excitement and anticipation, a longing for adventure with our LORD. Hope is waking up in the morning and saying, "Good morning, GOD. What are we going to do today?!"
Welcome to my 365 day journey of FAITH. For the next year I am going to focus letting God change me into the whole woman he created me to be. I am going to pray, read, create, and explore while learning to love just being HIS. I know there is going to be some loneliness and possibly a few stumbles, but I know that I have the strength to do this and will come out better for it in the end.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
DAY 40
This was supose to post the 20th, but did not go through.
Dear ones, I promised you a post about a certain topic GOD has been really lying on my heart lately. Currently, I am living in a city that often time seems to be completely Godless. Here recreational drug use is accepted as the norm, so called “everyday girls” go shopping wearing less clothing than Julia Roberts wore streetwalking in Pretty Woman, and homosexuality is so rampant that there is an entire section of the beach dedicated to them and their lifestyle. Trying to follow the straight and narrow in such an environment is extremely difficult. Often, I feel as though I am exiled in Babylon, but unlike the Biblical heroes, I have not been completely successful at keeping myself undefiled in such an environment.
Over the past year and a half, I have allowed everything I see around me to steep into my way of thinking. Not having strong Christian friendships makes staying grounded all the harder. I find myself justifying things that the scripture clearly states are sin. Then I start to find conflict between myself and GOD. I have wanted to believe that since the Bible was written so long ago, it cannot possibly apply to modern life in every application. The past few weeks I have been strongly convicted on these grounds (when GOD sends you two sermons –from different preachers- and countless Bible studies on a topic, you had better be paying attention).
It all started with a sermon at the church I’ve been attending. There we are doing a verse-by-verse study of Ephesians.
I pray that the God of our LORD Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, would give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him. {Ephesians 1:17}
In this passage, after having just told the Ephesians how grateful he is for their faith and love, Paul tells them that he prays specifically for their perspective. Faith and love are essential to our Christian walk, but without a proper view of the world-GOD’s view-we cannot effectively put them to use. Our perspective shapes who we are and we should take great care to ensure that we are shaped by GOD, not our culture.
Then this verse cropped up in my morning study.
Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God. {Romans 12:2}
Next was a sermon by Dr. Ronnie Floyd, entitled “What is God Doing in My Life.” Although there were several strong revelations in this sermon based out of 1 Corinthians 2:6-14, the final teaching lent itself to the topic of perspective.
Now we have not received the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, in order to know what has been freely given to us by God. We also speak these things, not in words taught by human wisdom, but in those taught by the Spirit, explaining spiritual things to spiritual people. {1 Corinthians 2:12-13}
I am going to paraphrase Pastor Floyds thoughts here…Today, the Spirit teaches and convicts through the word of God-our Bible. The Bible is what GOD thinks all the time about everything. It is our ultimate authority. Reading it and studying it and knowing it is our only way to form a GODLY perspective (wisdom).
For the past week I have been seeking and asking GOD what all of this looks like in my life. I do not want to be so heavenly minded as to be no earthly good, but I do want to have a GODLY perspective of the world around me. This morning a verse in my Romans study just popped out at me.
Love must be without hypocrisy. Detest evil; cling to what is good. {Romans 12:9}
Really, it is a simple as that. I must allow GOD to love Miami through me, while keeping my focus on HIM and HIS definition of good. It is somewhat of a tightrope walk, but GOD is the one doing the walking, I am simply along for the ride.
“Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?” He said to him, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and most important commandment. The second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets depend on these two commandments.” {Matthew 22:36-40}
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
DAY 34
Continualy, GOD is pointing me in the same direction this week...urging me to shape my world view around HIM. The instances and scriptures HE has bombarded me with are too many to share in a quick post, but it is heavy on my heart and in my mind to sit down and write for you on this topic. For now, I will share just a quick thought....God does not change for pop culture.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
DAY 31
Miami has the third largest Jewish population in the United States. Every day, I see member of this chosen race and can’t help but think of their significance in history and in my faith. The very first Christians were the Jewish disciples of Christ and it was they who wrote the gospels and letters that make up our New Testament. As much as this history fascinates me, it also makes me sad. This is a race, a faith, which is continuing to wait for a promise that has already been fulfilled. They work hard to keep the law and all the holy days so that they can gain acceptance in GOD’s eyes, not realizing that their Messiah is standing by waiting to cover them with HIS righteousness.
The eleventh chapter of Romans speaks about how we, the gentile believers, have been grafted into the family of GOD because of Israel’s disbelief. Of that I am grateful, but it still saddens me to see these people so wholly seeking GOD and missing the point. So often, I long to tell them how close they are, but in the realms of business I am never given the opportunity. So, I continue to pray for them. I know that GOD has not forgotten HIS people and will fulfill HIS promises to them.
Regarding the gospel, they are enemies for your advantage, but regarding election, they are loved because of their forefathers, since God’s gracious gifts and calling are irrevocable. {Romans 11:28-29}
Before moving to Miami, the Chosen People were something I thought about only in Biblical realms. But here, they are very real. Currently, they are celebrating their new year and the streets are nearly empty without them. I am continually very much aware of what I have gained at their loss.
So that you will not be conceited, brothers, I do not want you to be unaware of this mystery: a partial hardening has come to Israel until the full number of the Gentiles has come in. {Romans 11: 25}
While posting this blog, I realised that today is September 11. Nine years ago today the world as we knew it changed. That day and in the years since, hundreds of thousands of Americans have died in this act of terrorism and the war against such atrocities. Many more carry physical, mental, and emotional wounds. To me this is more than a blanket generalisation. My own family and friends have seen this suffering first hand. My heart and prayers go out to all the Americans who have felt the effects of the war on terrorism.
The eleventh chapter of Romans speaks about how we, the gentile believers, have been grafted into the family of GOD because of Israel’s disbelief. Of that I am grateful, but it still saddens me to see these people so wholly seeking GOD and missing the point. So often, I long to tell them how close they are, but in the realms of business I am never given the opportunity. So, I continue to pray for them. I know that GOD has not forgotten HIS people and will fulfill HIS promises to them.
Regarding the gospel, they are enemies for your advantage, but regarding election, they are loved because of their forefathers, since God’s gracious gifts and calling are irrevocable. {Romans 11:28-29}
Before moving to Miami, the Chosen People were something I thought about only in Biblical realms. But here, they are very real. Currently, they are celebrating their new year and the streets are nearly empty without them. I am continually very much aware of what I have gained at their loss.
So that you will not be conceited, brothers, I do not want you to be unaware of this mystery: a partial hardening has come to Israel until the full number of the Gentiles has come in. {Romans 11: 25}
While posting this blog, I realised that today is September 11. Nine years ago today the world as we knew it changed. That day and in the years since, hundreds of thousands of Americans have died in this act of terrorism and the war against such atrocities. Many more carry physical, mental, and emotional wounds. To me this is more than a blanket generalisation. My own family and friends have seen this suffering first hand. My heart and prayers go out to all the Americans who have felt the effects of the war on terrorism.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
DAY 29
For years, I have been asking GOD why HE made me the way HE did. Let’s face it; I’m not “normal.” Even my family considers me an odd ball. I’m an artist: a little off beat, frequently misunderstood, essentially unable to blend in with the rest of society…There was a time I resented this and when my attempts to change me failed, I struggled my hardest to at least hide it. This quote from Amy Gerstler describes me very well: “Some of us grow up doing credible impressions of model citizens (though sooner or later hairline cracks appear in our facades). The rest are dubbed eccentrics, unnerved and undone by other peoples company, for which we nevertheless pine. Curses, outbursts, and distracting chants simmer all day in the Crock-Pots of our heads.”
The truth is, there is nothing wrong with me…or at least not with my personality. That is how GOD chose to create me and HE did it on purpose.
But who are you-anyone who talks back to God? Will what is formed say to the one who formed it, “Why did you make me like this?” {Romans 9:20}
Just like I create each my pieces as one-of-a-kind items with their own particular purpose and function, GOD has created me the same way. Yet, better than that…GOD’s design plan is flawless. Yes, as a human I am flawed and sinful, but who I am was created with an intended purpose in GOD’s kingdom. HE is going to use me in a way that only HE can see, my job is to submit and obey…and be myself. If I am busy trying to be somebody else or to stifle who I am, my eyes will not be where HE intends them to be.
Therefore since we also have such a large cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us lay aside every weight and the sin that so easily ensnares us, and run with endurance the race that lies before us, keeping our eyes on Jesus, the source and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that lay before Him endured a cross and despised the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of God’s throne. {Hebrews 12:1-2}
Our focus in life should be to simply run the race. I belong to Christ and as I run, HE will change the parts of me that HE needs changed. I must simply run and trust: desiring only to know HIM and HIS will, to be a tool in HIS all knowing hands.
My goal is to know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings. {Philippians 3: 10}
The truth is, there is nothing wrong with me…or at least not with my personality. That is how GOD chose to create me and HE did it on purpose.
But who are you-anyone who talks back to God? Will what is formed say to the one who formed it, “Why did you make me like this?” {Romans 9:20}
Just like I create each my pieces as one-of-a-kind items with their own particular purpose and function, GOD has created me the same way. Yet, better than that…GOD’s design plan is flawless. Yes, as a human I am flawed and sinful, but who I am was created with an intended purpose in GOD’s kingdom. HE is going to use me in a way that only HE can see, my job is to submit and obey…and be myself. If I am busy trying to be somebody else or to stifle who I am, my eyes will not be where HE intends them to be.
Therefore since we also have such a large cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us lay aside every weight and the sin that so easily ensnares us, and run with endurance the race that lies before us, keeping our eyes on Jesus, the source and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that lay before Him endured a cross and despised the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of God’s throne. {Hebrews 12:1-2}
Our focus in life should be to simply run the race. I belong to Christ and as I run, HE will change the parts of me that HE needs changed. I must simply run and trust: desiring only to know HIM and HIS will, to be a tool in HIS all knowing hands.
My goal is to know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings. {Philippians 3: 10}
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
DAY 27
I don't know what is wrong with me! I just cannot seem to memorise scripture. I use to absorb a verse or short passage after just a few readings, but the two verses from Psalm I started weeks ago just don't want to stick. Maybe there is just too much going on for my brain to accept more. After all, in the past month I have moved once, am about to move again, got a new job, completely flipped my schedule, and started preparing to go back to school.
Monday, September 6, 2010
DAY 26
Once again, my two reading worked together perfectly. I love to see the work of my living LORD through the scriptures. Today, HE is working on adjusting my perspective...
He must increase, but I must decrease. The One who comes from above is above all. The one who is from the earth is earthly and speaks in earthly terms. The One who comes from heaven is above all. {John 3: 30-31}
For those whose lives are according to the flesh think about things of the flesh, but those whose lives are according to the Spirit, about the things of the Spirit. For the mind-set of the flesh is death, but the mind-set of the Spirit is life and peace. {Romans 8: 5-6}
Those whose lives are in the flesh are unable to please God. You however, are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, since the Spirit of God lives in you. But if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Him. Now if Christ is in you, the body is dead because of sin, but the Spirit is life because of righteousness. And if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead lives in you, then He who raised Christ from the dead will also bring your mortal bodies to life through His Spirit who lives in you. {Romans 8:8-11}
He must increase, but I must decrease. The One who comes from above is above all. The one who is from the earth is earthly and speaks in earthly terms. The One who comes from heaven is above all. {John 3: 30-31}
For those whose lives are according to the flesh think about things of the flesh, but those whose lives are according to the Spirit, about the things of the Spirit. For the mind-set of the flesh is death, but the mind-set of the Spirit is life and peace. {Romans 8: 5-6}
Those whose lives are in the flesh are unable to please God. You however, are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, since the Spirit of God lives in you. But if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Him. Now if Christ is in you, the body is dead because of sin, but the Spirit is life because of righteousness. And if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead lives in you, then He who raised Christ from the dead will also bring your mortal bodies to life through His Spirit who lives in you. {Romans 8:8-11}
Friday, September 3, 2010
DAY 23
I continue to be amazed by the way my two scripture reading for the day complement each other. Those of you, who know me, have a pretty clear idea that I don’t function in the morning before my coffee. So I start my reading out with a Daily Bread Devotional and my first cup of “bean water.” It is a slow read, with a few prompts to help me out and keep my groggy brain focused. Then I move on the book of Romans where I read anything from a few verses (if they are a lot to digest) to an entire chapter. This morning, my Daily Bread reading was about Noah and I was so struck by what GOD showed me in the scripture passage that it wasn’t until after reading my chapter in Romans that I realized I had forgotten to read the devotion that went along with it. I love it when HE shows me new things in passages I thought I knew already.
God remembered Noah, as well as all the wildlife and all the livestock that were with him in the ark. God caused a wind to pass over the earth and the water begin to subside. The sources of the watery depths and the floodgates of the sky were closed and the rain from the sky stopped. The water steadily receded from the earth, and by the end of 150 days the water had decreased significantly. The ark came to rest in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, on the mountains of Ararat. The waters continued to recede until the tenth month; in the tenth month, on the first day of the month, the tops of the mountains were visible. {Genesis 8:1-5}
Most, if not all, of us know the account of Noah and his ark. This is something we have been told about since childhood, but today I saw a little bit about healing that I had never seen before. GOD remembered Noah and the animals and was rescuing them, but HE did not cause it to happen in an instant. Yes, he could have made it happen completely and totally with nothing more than a thought, but being GOD he knows that his creation does not process life events that quickly. Instead HE caused the water to recede little by little, building an understanding in the heart of Noah that this ordeal was soon coming to the end. If HE had simply caused the earth to dry and heal over the matter of a second, Noah and his family may have been frightened…so frightened that they could not bring themselves to leave the ark. Even worse, a quick fix could have ended up being underwhelming. Here GOD had just crated a huge catastrophic event to cleanse HIS creation. To reverse the effects so quickly may have caused Noah and future generations to simply shrug off the ordeal, downplaying the magnitude of what had been accomplished.
I know that I frequently get impatient with GOD, but healing and change take time. Sometimes it takes years, not the days that Noah counted. Then again, although it was only days that it took to be released from the ark, Noah and his family were sure to have seen and felt the results of the flood for decades after it occurred. GOD will orchestrate our rescue, and has orchestrated it, but HE also knows the proper timing. HE knows what we can handle and the time frame that we will need to work thought and accept HIS rescue for what it really is.
Still digesting that, I turned to Romans.
For my inner self I joyfully agree with God’s law. But I see a different low in the parts of my body, waging war against the law of my mind and taking me prisoner to the law of sin in the parts of my body. What a wrenched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? I thank God throught Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, with my mind I myself am a slave to the law of God, but with my flesh, to the law of sin. {Romans 7: 22-24}
Just like GOD brings us physical rescue, HE is also brings us spiritual rescue. And once again, it is not completely instantaneous. It takes time and discipline for our flesh to become obedient to the laws of GOD, despite what the desires of our heart may be. Yes, when we submit to GOD, HE brings huge instantaneous changes to us, but we are far from completion. Even Paul continued to struggle with his flesh. Throughout our days, GOD continues to rescue us a little at a time and we reach the goal the day we are finally taken home. None of us will be perfected on this earth, but as long as we continue to follow, the flood waters will continue to recede until we see the light at the end of the tunnel.
God remembered Noah, as well as all the wildlife and all the livestock that were with him in the ark. God caused a wind to pass over the earth and the water begin to subside. The sources of the watery depths and the floodgates of the sky were closed and the rain from the sky stopped. The water steadily receded from the earth, and by the end of 150 days the water had decreased significantly. The ark came to rest in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, on the mountains of Ararat. The waters continued to recede until the tenth month; in the tenth month, on the first day of the month, the tops of the mountains were visible. {Genesis 8:1-5}
Most, if not all, of us know the account of Noah and his ark. This is something we have been told about since childhood, but today I saw a little bit about healing that I had never seen before. GOD remembered Noah and the animals and was rescuing them, but HE did not cause it to happen in an instant. Yes, he could have made it happen completely and totally with nothing more than a thought, but being GOD he knows that his creation does not process life events that quickly. Instead HE caused the water to recede little by little, building an understanding in the heart of Noah that this ordeal was soon coming to the end. If HE had simply caused the earth to dry and heal over the matter of a second, Noah and his family may have been frightened…so frightened that they could not bring themselves to leave the ark. Even worse, a quick fix could have ended up being underwhelming. Here GOD had just crated a huge catastrophic event to cleanse HIS creation. To reverse the effects so quickly may have caused Noah and future generations to simply shrug off the ordeal, downplaying the magnitude of what had been accomplished.
I know that I frequently get impatient with GOD, but healing and change take time. Sometimes it takes years, not the days that Noah counted. Then again, although it was only days that it took to be released from the ark, Noah and his family were sure to have seen and felt the results of the flood for decades after it occurred. GOD will orchestrate our rescue, and has orchestrated it, but HE also knows the proper timing. HE knows what we can handle and the time frame that we will need to work thought and accept HIS rescue for what it really is.
Still digesting that, I turned to Romans.
For my inner self I joyfully agree with God’s law. But I see a different low in the parts of my body, waging war against the law of my mind and taking me prisoner to the law of sin in the parts of my body. What a wrenched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? I thank God throught Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, with my mind I myself am a slave to the law of God, but with my flesh, to the law of sin. {Romans 7: 22-24}
Just like GOD brings us physical rescue, HE is also brings us spiritual rescue. And once again, it is not completely instantaneous. It takes time and discipline for our flesh to become obedient to the laws of GOD, despite what the desires of our heart may be. Yes, when we submit to GOD, HE brings huge instantaneous changes to us, but we are far from completion. Even Paul continued to struggle with his flesh. Throughout our days, GOD continues to rescue us a little at a time and we reach the goal the day we are finally taken home. None of us will be perfected on this earth, but as long as we continue to follow, the flood waters will continue to recede until we see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
DAY 21: Still Contemplating
According to the law, I would not have to worry about the remarriage issue. The man I was married to, would have been put to death for his cimes. The fact that he is allowed to live, is simply the grace of the New Covenant. I owe him nothing on any level, it is as if he were dead to me. I am a free woman, free to follow GOD in all things and accept all gifts HE may bring me...including a GODLY mate.
Not for a minute have I ever considered my parents as being adulterous. My dear stepfather is one of the greatest blessings in my life. In fact, GOD used him to bring about the rescue of my children and I. Perhaps I could not argue my convictions with a theologian (that is where I get into trouble, I want everything in air tight packages), but it is my relationship with CHRIST at stake not the theologians. Every thing I do will be tested by prayer, but I do believe that GOD has not left me an untouchable.
I know the plans I have for you"-this is the LORD'S declaration-"plans for your welfare, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. You will call on Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. I will be found by you"-the LORD'S declaration. "I will restore you to the place I deported you from. {Jeremiah 29:11-14}
Not for a minute have I ever considered my parents as being adulterous. My dear stepfather is one of the greatest blessings in my life. In fact, GOD used him to bring about the rescue of my children and I. Perhaps I could not argue my convictions with a theologian (that is where I get into trouble, I want everything in air tight packages), but it is my relationship with CHRIST at stake not the theologians. Every thing I do will be tested by prayer, but I do believe that GOD has not left me an untouchable.
I know the plans I have for you"-this is the LORD'S declaration-"plans for your welfare, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. You will call on Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. I will be found by you"-the LORD'S declaration. "I will restore you to the place I deported you from. {Jeremiah 29:11-14}
DAY 21
I am struggling today. My morning reading took me to several passages regarding divorce and remarriage. All very explicitly state that to marry another was to commit adultery.
Matthew 5:31-32 and 19: 4-9
Mark 10:5-12
1 Corinthians 7:10-17
Yet, none seem to take extreme situations into consideration. What about the situation where not only adultery was endured, but extreme abuse? Does GOD punish me for having to flee for the lives of my children?
When I was seeking GOD during the darkest, most dangerous days of my marriage, we had a very interesting conversation one morning while I was feeding the chickens. It was cool and dewy, a beautiful morning, but fear was gnawing on me. I had been sent outside to care for the animals, while the children (who usually accompanied me) were kept inside by their father to guarantee that I “didn’t do anything stupid.” I was just rambling away, telling GOD how I just didn’t understand what was happening. I had been a faithful wife. I had followed Sarah’s example and obeyed my husband even when his choices were wrong and placed me in harm’s way. I was overwhelmed trying to be an obedient wife and protect my children at the same time; often I had to choose one or the other. Finally I just concluded, "GOD I know Sarah did this and you rescued her, but Sarah didn’t have babies!”
At that moment, I heard GOD just as clearly as if he were standing there. He said, “Remember Abigail. She went against her wicked husband and I blessed her.” I was shocked! I hadn’t heard or even thought about Abigail since I was a small child listening to my mama read from a big volume of Bible stories. As soon the chores were done and I had a few minutes, I hid away with my Bible and her story again (I Samuel 25).
Within days, the children and I were out and safe. That in itself was a huge blessing. Hostage situations including family members usually result in a mass murder suicide situation. Just being alive, beat all the statistics (in their culture, Nabal could have had Abigail killed for her disobedience). Yet, now I am left with another question. Am I Biblically allowed to remarry? Unlike Nabal, the “churlish” man I was married to, did not drop over dead in his dinner plate. He is still around, showing up just frequently enough to keep the children terrified of every shadow in the yard.
I want to do what is right in the eyes of GOD. I have no desire to lead another into sin, by allowing them to commit to a marriage that may be seen as adultery in HIS eyes. Yet, I cannot fathom how a loving GOD would stamp me as damaged goods and set me up on the shelf for sixty years.
Matthew 5:31-32 and 19: 4-9
Mark 10:5-12
1 Corinthians 7:10-17
Yet, none seem to take extreme situations into consideration. What about the situation where not only adultery was endured, but extreme abuse? Does GOD punish me for having to flee for the lives of my children?
When I was seeking GOD during the darkest, most dangerous days of my marriage, we had a very interesting conversation one morning while I was feeding the chickens. It was cool and dewy, a beautiful morning, but fear was gnawing on me. I had been sent outside to care for the animals, while the children (who usually accompanied me) were kept inside by their father to guarantee that I “didn’t do anything stupid.” I was just rambling away, telling GOD how I just didn’t understand what was happening. I had been a faithful wife. I had followed Sarah’s example and obeyed my husband even when his choices were wrong and placed me in harm’s way. I was overwhelmed trying to be an obedient wife and protect my children at the same time; often I had to choose one or the other. Finally I just concluded, "GOD I know Sarah did this and you rescued her, but Sarah didn’t have babies!”
At that moment, I heard GOD just as clearly as if he were standing there. He said, “Remember Abigail. She went against her wicked husband and I blessed her.” I was shocked! I hadn’t heard or even thought about Abigail since I was a small child listening to my mama read from a big volume of Bible stories. As soon the chores were done and I had a few minutes, I hid away with my Bible and her story again (I Samuel 25).
Within days, the children and I were out and safe. That in itself was a huge blessing. Hostage situations including family members usually result in a mass murder suicide situation. Just being alive, beat all the statistics (in their culture, Nabal could have had Abigail killed for her disobedience). Yet, now I am left with another question. Am I Biblically allowed to remarry? Unlike Nabal, the “churlish” man I was married to, did not drop over dead in his dinner plate. He is still around, showing up just frequently enough to keep the children terrified of every shadow in the yard.
I want to do what is right in the eyes of GOD. I have no desire to lead another into sin, by allowing them to commit to a marriage that may be seen as adultery in HIS eyes. Yet, I cannot fathom how a loving GOD would stamp me as damaged goods and set me up on the shelf for sixty years.
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