Sunday, August 22, 2010

DAY 11

Today, I went to church.  In the past year, I have only attended service 3 times, all when I was visiting my family.  Today, I chose to go and worship.  I enjoyed the service, but with my over active thought processing I was too busy taking everything in to fully submerge myself in the worship.  Also, the fact that it was a non-denominational church had me on's so hard to know what they really believe.  I looked them up online before I went and I didn't find anything in their belief statement that was different than what I would expect to find from a Bible believing church, but I am still not too sure about them.  I am committed to finding a church home for the remainder of my time in the city and I am positive that the LORD will provide. 


  1. Hey Corinne, good to see you got yourself to church this weekend! It's never good to be alone and I know you will find a good church family to hold you up in your quest. I wish you were here close to me. I know my church family would LOVE to take you in! Just so you know, non-denominational does not at all mean that a church isn't bible believing or some kind of cult or anything, it just means that they are not affiliated with a denominational "organization". Like our church, we would probably be considered non-denominational because we're not baptist or assembly of God or Methodist or Presbyterian or whatever. We just believe the Word of God and live it. The original church was not a denomination. Denomination came with disunity (not that denominations are bad either). Just saying...find a church that will love you with the love of Christ and encourage you in your journey towards Him! Love you sister! Press on!

  2. Siobhan,
    Thanks for taking the time to explain this too me, but the reason I am skeptical is not that I believe non-denominational churches to be un-Christian. In the past I have been in several really amazing non-denominational churches and a few that have some skewed ideas. Going to one for the first few times just keeps me on edge, trying to learn what their belief system is. In a denominiational church with a written doctine, one has a basis of what to expect going in. Honestly, from my experience, many non-denominiational chuches are more willing to accept outsiders than a church more steeped in tradition is.

    I am sorry if you felt that maybe I was saying there was something wrong with churches that are not affilited with an association. I simply know that I cannot afford to be lead astray and am being very vigilant about what I am being taught. By the way, your "invitation to church" was just as good as a hug. I really apreciate it.

  3. Keep seeking're on a beautiful Journey. I pray he surrounds you with loving people that will continue to love on you all the while giving you room to grow in his everlasting love! Keep're doing great!
    farmgirl monicarose #1780
